Bella Vino, Blackhawk's Premier Wine Shop & Tasting Bar


Bella Vino


Domestic Wines
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Harviestoun OLA DUBH 16

Pours an opaque black with dark brown and red highlights, medium sized thick brown head forms, looks like tar, settles to a thin ring quickly, drops a ton of lace, this stuff is dark! Smell is nice, chocolate and toffee, whiskey, oak, dark fruits, some alcohol, figs, cherries, very roasty, buttery compared to the 12, a bit cleaner and a bit more fruit. Taste is charred wood, bread, toffee, chocolate, whiskey, sherry, some licorice and vanilla, again buttery compared to the 12, alcohol feels a bit hotter, brown sugar in this one, and quite a bit more vanilla and oak. Mouthfeel is light to medium bodied with low carbonation, feels a bit bigger than the 12, but I think thats just because the flavour is richer.



Bella Vino

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